Macros for printing


Kevin W

I have a worksheet with many columns in the following format:

Comp A Comp B Comp C Comp D

Titles DATA

The data in the worksheet is grouped into 5 levels. I would like to be able
to print one of the companies at a time for any level of information I
choose. Since I have about 20 companies at the top, I would like to insert a
button (macro) in order to print the information for that company. So... I
went to Print Setup and made the left columns repeat for any pages printed
(so the titles are on all pages). I also set it to FIT TO 1 page wide and
left blank the spot for pages tall (so it will automatically fit the level of
information that I want at that specific time - it could be only one page or
up to 6 pages tall).

Now, I highlighted colums C:E, named it something like COMPA, and tried the
following macro:

Application.Goto Reference:="COMPA"
Selection.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
End Sub

Problem: some of the companies correctly print 1-6 pages for whatever level
of data I'm looking at (although I generally get one blank page at the end).
Other companies print 300 pages - even they are all blank. Any idea what I
am doing wrong?? Thanks for the assistance.

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