bringing styles from outside. So, when they click the
buttone it should say these styles are not matching.
Hi Mala,
The macro below will check for styles that aren't defined in the attached
One thing that may not be obvious is that you need to actually open the
template to get at the styles in the template.
The macro works by raising an error if a style from the doc isn't defined
in the template... this is faster than looping all styles in the template,
looking for the one defined in the document.
The macro could be improved in several ways (don't show the opened template
on screen; add error handlers if no template is attached, or if the
attached template can't be opened; create a list instead of showing
multiple message boxes ...)
Another thing you may want to change: The macro tests all styles in the
Maybe you don't want to check built-in styles, or styles that aren't used?
Sub TestIfStylesInDot()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim styleLoop As style
Dim docOpen As Document
Set docOpen = ActiveDocument
Dim docTemplateAttached As Document
Set docTemplateAttached = _
' just used to raise an error if style isn't in template:
Dim boolDummy As Boolean
' check all styles in the document
For Each styleLoop In docOpen.Styles
StatusBar = "Checking " & styleLoop.NameLocal
' If styleLoop isn't in the template, the ErrHandler will kick in:
boolDummy = docTemplateAttached.Styles(styleLoop.NameLocal).InUse
Next styleLoop
docTemplateAttached.Close SaveChanges:=False
Exit Sub
If MsgBox(styleLoop.NameLocal, vbOKCancel, _
"Style not in Template:") = vbCancel Then
docTemplateAttached.Close SaveChanges:=False
docTemplateAttached.Close SaveChanges:=False
Exit Sub
End If
Resume Next
End Sub