steve smallman
Worksheet objects can only have one macro assigned. What
you need to do is to test the value of the combo box, and
execute your code from the combobox result, eg, you assign
this to your combo box,
private sub combobox_change()
select case combobox
Case first_entry
Case second_entry
etc etc
End Select
end sub
different items and make the combo box recognize all
macros? As of now, I can only assign one macro to all
items, since the combo box doesn´t recognize more than
one macro at a time!!
have a different macro which can take me to a different
worksheet. Does anybody know how i can do that?
Worksheet objects can only have one macro assigned. What
you need to do is to test the value of the combo box, and
execute your code from the combobox result, eg, you assign
this to your combo box,
private sub combobox_change()
select case combobox
Case first_entry
Case second_entry
etc etc
End Select
end sub
than 20 items. How do I assign different macros for-----Original Message-----
Hi, I´m creating a combo box in a worksheet with more
different items and make the combo box recognize all
macros? As of now, I can only assign one macro to all
items, since the combo box doesn´t recognize more than
one macro at a time!!
to the worksheet of this item. Then I want another item toFor instance: I want an item to have a macro to take me
have a different macro which can take me to a different
worksheet. Does anybody know how i can do that?