Macros in Footer



We have a macro that inserts the document path name into the footer. As it currently works, the user inserts the macro into the First Page Header/Footer and again on page two. The macro is not automatic so if you copy the document or create a new version, the macro must be run again to update the document path name. Add to the mix, when updating the footer, the user has to be careful because it will wipe out all other text inside the footer when the macro is activated. Further, this macro is actually a PC DOCS Open product to insert the document number

We would like to update the macro so that it becomes automatic. I am looking for the magic code that will allow me to update the footer on a Save As and leave the other text alone in the footer, such as page numbers, etc. has anyone created such a thing? I would insert the code, but it's copyrighted and I don't want to go to jail.

Peter Hewett


Why don't you just insert a "Filename" field with a "\p" switch in the footer
of the templates you're using. This is the easiest way of doing what you

Cheers - Peter

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