Macros/Links in a template



Word 2003 - Windows xp SP2
Client has a template, with macros/links, which are no longer working.
Try to copy them from another template but won't work
Try to recreate them won't work

The template, i.e. is a contract, and when fill in the name of the company
at the beginning of the template, it auto populates the rest of the fields in
the template that references the first field. there are other fields that do
the same through the document, i.e. for the address and other company name.

Is there another way to do this. The fields currently are labeled as click
here, so the user knows to click there to fill in the information, then the
rest of the contract auto populates the rest of the document based on the
referencing link

had ideas, suggestions, tips to find how to instructions would be help full.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See the following pages of fellow MVP Greg Maxey's website :

If that information is of use to you, please do consider contributing to the
maintenance of that website to ensure its continued availability.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via


Thank you
Had to dig around in it a bit to find what I wanted but all excellent
information, good resources, I've added to my favorites.

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