Macros or VB?


S Jackson

We are attempting to design a database that will be accessed by several
people via network. The database will be split with a front-end and a

When assembling dialog boxes with option groups, is it better to use macros
or visual basic code?


S. Jackson

Albert D. Kallal

Well, at the end of the day, you have to go with what you know!

However, code gives you a lot more control, and also lets you handle errors
a lot better. The down side is that you DO have to handle errors!

Using code opens up a whole new world. You can do things like automate word
which is not really possible with macros. So, for integration with other
parts of office, once again code is far better then macros.

For example, I have a code library that lets you word enable any form you
have with just placing ONE line of code behind a button that you place on a
form. Macros are not able do this kind of stuff. So, while Macros can be
easer at first, they are more limiting in the long run.

John Vinson

When assembling dialog boxes with option groups, is it better to use macros
or visual basic code?

Neither one, if you can avoid it - an Option Group can be bound
directly to a numeric field, requiring no code at all.

The choice between macros and VBA depends to some extent on the
complexity of the task. I (and most developers) prefer VBA code
because it is possible to trap errors (vital if you'll be distributing
a .mde file), it's easier to document, and (once you know VBA) easier
to understand the logic for anything but the simplest of jobs.

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