macros run increasingly slowly



I am running excel 2002 on Windows XP, i have a fast machine with 1gb memory.
I use a simple macro that removes and reinserts sub-totals, sorts and adds
some formatting.

The first time i run the macro it works quickly. On susbequent occaisions
it slows down almost to the point of stopping (10 minutes or more).

I have not written any fancy code, just recorded the actions. (On weaker
machines with less memory etc. this problem does not materialse).

Can anyone suggest anything?

Tom Ogilvy

If you have printed or done print preview, you could still be showing the
dotted lines indicating the page boundaries. This does what you say - slows
things down significantly. At the top of the code do

Activesheet.displaypagebreaks = false

Jim Thomlinson

Here is a great resource on optimizing speed and memory allocation. If things
start to run slowly often it is a matter of running out of memory. (Excel can
not use all of your memeory. The amount depends on your version.). It may

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