Macros to Cut and Paste



I have the following macro and I need one additional step after it finished the macro. The initial macro added 10 rows until the last person is there, but there are values in b1, b10,b20, etc and I need those values to cut and pasted in a10, a15 and so on until the last value has been posted. If somebody can help I would really appreciate it.

Sub insert_rows(
Dim lastrow As Lon
Dim row_index As Lon

lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).ro
For row_index = lastrow - 1 To 1 Step -
If Cells(row_index, "A").Value <> Cells(row_index + 1, "A").Value The
Cells(row_index + 1, "A").Resize(10, 1).EntireRow.insert (xlShiftDown
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Selec
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Selec

End I

End Su

David McRitchie

It is unclear how on column row 1 + 9 rows + 10 rows
relates to row 10, row 15,
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
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David said:
I have the following macro and I need one additional step after it finished the macro. The initial macro added 10 rows until the
last person is there, but there are values in b1, b10,b20, etc and I need those values to cut and pasted in a10, a15 and so on
until the last value has been posted. If somebody can help I would really appreciate it.

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