Macros to Music



Hi Guys

In my present job i create all the Office templates, all
of which have various simple vba commands that make life
easier for the end users.

Examples Word Functions:
Format tables in the company styles both paragraph and
Borders & Shading
Insert a landscape page in a portrait document and insert
the correct landscape header and footers.

As you might guess some of these macros can take a little
time to run.

We have a few visually impaired users and they have asked
me for a very strange request that I don't know how to do.

What they would like is for a wave file (or mpg file) to
play whilst the macros are running and stop only when the
macro has finished.

Is this possible and if so, how do i do it?

Big thank u in advance


Peter Hewett

Hi Alex

It can be done but it's non trivial. You can use the Media Control Interface (MCI)
library "winmm.dll". I haven't tried it so I'm not sure if the calls to MCI are
synchronous or not, I assume that they are asynchronous.

I'd do a Google search on the above and see if you find anything useful.

Sorry that's all I can help you with on this one.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

Klaus Linke

Hi Alex,

With code stolen from several newsgroup posts:

Private Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" _
Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, _
ByVal uFlags As Long) _
As Long

Sub YourMacro()
' your code
End Sub

Sub NotifyStart()
Dim sBuf As String
Dim cSize As Long
Dim RetVal As Long
Dim Windir As String
Const SND_SYNC As Long = &H0 'synchronize playback
Const SND_ASYNC As Long = &H1 ' played async
Const SND_NODEFAULT As Long = &H2 ' No default
Const SND_LOOP As Long = &H8 ' 'loop the wave
Const SND_NOSTOP As Long = &H10 'don't stop current sound if one playing
Const SND_NOWAIT As Long = &H2000 'Do not wait if the sound driver is

Dim n

'Create a variable large enough to store the Windows path.
sBuf = String(255, 0)
cSize = 255

'Get Windows Directory
RetVal = GetWindowsDirectoryA(sBuf, cSize)

'Strip buffer from Windows directory
Windir = Left(sBuf, RetVal)

'Load and Play the sound.
n = sndPlaySound(Windir + "\Media\Notify.wav", SND_ASYNC Or SND_LOOP)

End Sub

Sub NotifyStop()
Const SND_ASYNC As Long = &H1 ' played async
Const SND_NODEFAULT As Long = &H2 ' No default
Dim n

' Stop the loop
n = sndPlaySound(" ", SND_ASYNC And SND_NODEFAULT)
End Sub



Hi Klaus

Thanks for the reply, i've tried the code and it appears
to stop at the following line within the Sub NotifyStart()
section of the code:

RetVal = GetWindowsDirectoryA(sBuf, cSize)

Any ideas?

Big thank you in advance


Klaus Linke

Thanks for the reply, i've tried the code and it appears
to stop at the following line within the Sub NotifyStart()
section of the code:

RetVal = GetWindowsDirectoryA(sBuf, cSize)

Any ideas?

Yep, I forgot to paste this:

Private Declare Function GetWindowsDirectoryA Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long

(goes at the top of the module, in the declarations, like "Private Declare
Function sndPlaySound ...")



Thank you very much, it works great, my VI users will be
very pleased



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