How can i create a form which has 3 tabs one shows all the forms,
second shows all the reports and third shows all the queries
No macro would be needed (you could use macros if you wanted, but they're not
I'd create a Table with at least three fields - the actual Name property of
the form or report (e.g. frmClientEntry); a human-meaningful name for that
object (Client Data Entry Screen, say); and a field indicating the nature of
the object for your code. You could display the contents of this table in
Listboxes on tab pages on your form, and put code (or a macro) in the
DoubleClick event of the listbox to launch the form or report.
As a rule, I'll never let users see Queries directly, but you could add them
to the listbox as well if you insist.
John W. Vinson [MVP]
Microsoft's replacements for these newsgroups:
and see also