This was extremely helpful, thank you.
I currently have a customized field (Text1) with the following
IIf([% Complete]<100,IIf([Finish]<[Date1],"Late",""),IIf([%
This is great....except that my boss would like a checkmark to appear
next to completed tasks instead of the word "complete". Is there a
way to enter a checkmark symbol into this formula? I know I can show
the checkmark in the Indicator column, but I would rather show both
late projects and completed ones in the same column and hide the
indicator column entirely. Another option that would probably work
would be to show "complete" in green and "late" in red...but I don't
know how to do this without running a macro and would prefer to use a
customized field (now that you have taught me more about them).
Thank you again. Merry Christmas!
There is. But are you sure you want it to run every time there is a
change? In fact, rather than tell you how to write a macro to do
this, I would suggest that instead you use custom fields to do this.
They will recalculate in real-time and you can use the built-in
graphical indicators to highlight the tasks.
It is easy to do.
Go to insert menu,
Select column,
Pick one of the unused Date fields.
Click OK
Right click on that column header
Choose customize fields
click the formula button
enter the formula you want or the name of the field that you are
testing. To make it simple, start with just using something like the
finish date That means you enter in the box this text:
Click OK
Now click on the graphical indicator button.
Set the criteria you want to use.
For example you can use the test "is greater than", the value
"baseline finish" and then set a red indicator for it.
You can get more and more complicated. For example, you could use a
text or number field and your formula could return different results
for different conditions. An example would be iif([percent
complete]<1,iif([finish]>[baseline finish],"Late",""),"")
I have some short examples at my website in the custom fields FAQ
For equations which test each line like this, they are better than a
-Jack ... For project information and macro examples visit
I created a macro to highlight overdue tasks in Project. I have
been running it manually, but I would like this macro to run
automatically each time Project is opened and each time any change
is made in Project. Is there a way to do this?