MacWord to Winword


Daniel Royer

I need to import a Word file created on a Mac into Winword. What
instruction should I give to the Mac owner as far saving the file is


Daniel Royer
University of Geneva
daniel at royer dot ch

Daniel Royer

Carol said:
When you say WinWord do you mean Word Works or Microsoft Word? Let me
MS Word!



Daniel Royer
University of Geneva
daniel at royer dot ch


I wouldn't think you would have a problem as long as it's saved in
Word, but even if you do have a problem, you could just highlight the
entire document and paste it into Notepad and then highlight, copy and
paste it into a new Word document. That will strip out all the
formatting and you can then format it the way you want it. I would just
ask them to save it as a Word document and tell them which version of
Word you are using. Please let me know if you experience any problems.

Daniel Royer

Carol said:
I wouldn't think you would have a problem as long as it's saved in
Word, but even if you do have a problem, you could just highlight the
entire document and paste it into Notepad and then highlight, copy and
paste it into a new Word document. That will strip out all the
formatting and you can then format it the way you want it. I would just
ask them to save it as a Word document and tell them which version of
Word you are using. Please let me know if you experience any problems.
Thanks Carol



Daniel Royer
University of Geneva
daniel at royer dot ch

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