Mail accounts for different locations


Peter Kelly

I move my laptop between two locations in different countries and I have a
POP3 email account in each. But unless I completely disable one account, all
my incoming mail is duplicated. How can I avoid this?

Roady [MVP]

How do you have things set up exactly? For mail it doesn't matter in which
country you are.

The lack of detail in your post prevents us from giving us a more direct or
precise answer.

Include at least;
-your version of Outlook (Help-> About)
-type of mail account (POP3, IMAP, Exchange, HTTP, Outlook Connector,
Exchange, other...?)
-any errors in their exact wording as they are presented to you.

Peter Kelly

Dear Roady

Many thanks, and sorry for the lack of detail. I am using MS Outlook 2002.
The account type is defined (in Tools/Email Accounts) as POP/SMTP (Default).
The "Internet E-mail Settings" settings in the accounts for my home location
and the remote location are identical EXCEPT that under "Outgoing Mail
Server" I have at home, and at the remote
location (in France). Also, it's possible that under "Logon Information " I
use a different password in France (I'm not there at the moment so can't
check). I hope this helps. My problem is a small one, really, just that
each time I switch from one location to the other I have to delete the old
account if I don't want to have two accounts in operation and thus mail in


Peter said:
Many thanks, and sorry for the lack of detail. I am using MS Outlook
2002. The account type is defined (in Tools/Email Accounts) as
POP/SMTP (Default). The "Internet E-mail Settings" settings in the
accounts for my home location and the remote location are identical
EXCEPT that under "Outgoing Mail Server" I have at home,
and at the remote location (in France). Also,
it's possible that under "Logon Information " I use a different
password in France (I'm not there at the moment so can't check). I
hope this helps. My problem is a small one, really, just that each
time I switch from one location to the other I have to delete the old
account if I don't want to have two accounts in operation and thus
mail in duplicate.

Without using an add-on (that would let you switch between different
e-mail account configs), you probably will have to setup multiple mail
profiles. Use the Mail applet in Control Panel. Do NOT select one as
the default. When you start Outlook, you will be prompted as to which
mail profile you want to use. You can have different e-mail accounts
define under each mail profile.

I'm not clear on what you want to do. Do you have one POP mail to which
you want to connect from any location but need to use a different SMTP
mail host at each location? If so, you sure you need to use a different
SMTP mail host at the other location? You may simply have to
authenticate to it (because you are off-domain of the mail host to which
you are attempting to connect).

Peter Kelly

Thank you, VanguardLH and Roady. Here is the full story. I am not very
technical--for example, I don't know what you mean by an add-on--so be
patient with me. When I started to use broadband in France, I was able to
receive e-mail through Outlook--BUT I couldn't send e-mail from Outlook (or
Outlook Express for that matter). I had to use mail2web to send, which was
unsatisfactory. However, a couple of months ago I found that the French
ISP's documentation showed me how to configure the laptop to send and receive
in Outlook. After a lot of false starts and errors I managed to reconfigure
the Mail Account so that it worked perfectly and I could both send and
receive through Outlook. This involved changing some settings--for example,
I changed the Outgoing Mail Server from (the setting provided by
my home ISP in Ireland) to (the setting provided by my
French ISP). Also, as I explained, I think I changed the logon password as
well. My next inspiration was to set up two mail accounts, one with my
French settings, one with my Irish settings. So now I thought "what a smart
guy I am. When I move from one country to the other I can just redesignate
one or other mail account as the default account". However, I then found
that when I hit Send/Receive, both mail accounts sprang into action and all
my mail arrived in my inbox in duplicate--two copies of everything. This was
inconvenient, so I have had to work with just one account and reconfigure it
each time I move. So, in short, what I want to do is to keep two mail
accounts on my laptop and be able to switch between them depending on which
ISP I'm connected to. I hope all this is clear, and I would be very grateful
for a solution.

Roady [MVP]

Hi Peter,

Yes, it is much more clear now :)

Just to recap; you actually have only 1 account where you receive emails on
but have configured 2 accounts which are only different in their SMTP

Just for kicks, when you enable authentication for the SMTP server on the
Irish account, do you still get send receive errors in France when you try
to use it? What is you use your French account settings in Ireland?

If one of them works in either country, then I would remove the other. If
they both fail in the different country, configure only 1 account to receive
(I would propose the Irish account as that is where your mails are actually
coming from, right?). As both the account settings point to the same POP3
mailbox, both will collect your email and thus duplicates.

To disable this go to;
Tools-> Options-> Mail Setup-> button Send/Receive...-> select your
Send/Receive Group (default: All Accounts)-> button Edit...-> select French
account configuration-> disable "Receive mail items"-> OK yourself out of
the open dialogs.


Peter Kelly

Hi Robert

Sory for the delay in acknowledging your post. That sounds like an
excellent approach which I will now try--I will be in France again in a
couple of weeks time so then I can check it out thoroughly. Many thanks

Can I ask you about another Outlook issue--much less technical? In
Calendar, my preferred view is Day/Week/Month. But every time I open
Calendar I see an undifferentiated grid and I waste several seconds locating
today's date. is there any way of highlighting the current day in this
view--say with a colour or different shading?

Roady [MVP]

Hi Peter,

You're welcome! :)

As for the calendar; the current date is highlighted already when you switch
to the calendar itself. You can directly switch to it with pressing the
Today button on the toolbar or pressing ALT+o on your keyboard.

FWIW: Outlook 2007 has a permanent highlight on the current day, even when
you select another day.

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