Hi Peter,
Yes, it is much more clear now
Just to recap; you actually have only 1 account where you receive emails on
but have configured 2 accounts which are only different in their SMTP
Just for kicks, when you enable authentication for the SMTP server on the
Irish account, do you still get send receive errors in France when you try
to use it? What is you use your French account settings in Ireland?
If one of them works in either country, then I would remove the other. If
they both fail in the different country, configure only 1 account to receive
(I would propose the Irish account as that is where your mails are actually
coming from, right?). As both the account settings point to the same POP3
mailbox, both will collect your email and thus duplicates.
To disable this go to;
Tools-> Options-> Mail Setup-> button Send/Receive...-> select your
Send/Receive Group (default: All Accounts)-> button Edit...-> select French
account configuration-> disable "Receive mail items"-> OK yourself out of
the open dialogs.