Mail folders are confusing and cant easilysee everything in one place



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Email Client: imap

My sent mail from the gmail server is going into the sent mail folder under the "[Gmail]" folder. But, I've been reading and organizing the mail in the inbox under the "Anna's Gmail" folder. Why are there two folders (3 actually if you count "Folders on My Computer"? Is there any way to consolidate?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

My sent mail from the gmail server is going into the sent mail folder
under the "[Gmail]" folder. But, I've been reading and organizing the
mail in the inbox under the "Anna's Gmail" folder. Why are there two
folders (3 actually if you count "Folders on My Computer"? Is there any
way to consolidate?

That's the weird thing with gMail's implementation of IMAP.
To work around it, you can edit the advanced options and put there that
you want the gMail root folder to be [Gmail]

You can also enable one of the gMail labs features (look it up in the
options onthe gMail page) to be abel to select which folders will be
visible and more important which will not through IMAP.



Thanks. Do you know if I change the gMail root folder to be [Gmail] will I lose the "Anna's Gmail" folder and all of the subfolders I've created under it?

Diane Ross

On 2/11/09 12:37 PM, in article (e-mail address removed)9absDaxw,

William Smith, MVP wrote this article that might help.

Create Gmail labels and make Entourage folders


To understand the folders "On My Computer" and different Inboxes, see this
page for Inbox views:

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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Thanks, but it would take a long time to take all the folders I've already created in Entourage and redo them in gmail. The only folder that I'm having problems with is Sent Mail. I just want it to sync both directions.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Thanks, but it would take a long time to take all the folders I've
already created in Entourage and redo them in gmail. The only folder
that I'm having problems with is Sent Mail. I just want it to sync both

Well you don't have to redo anything. You can simply move them ot the
location that suits you before you change the settings.


Diane Ross

Thanks, but it would take a long time to take all the folders I've already
created in Entourage and redo them in gmail. The only folder that I'm having
problems with is Sent Mail. I just want it to sync both directions.

I don't use Gmail IMAP so you'll have to wait for someone else to help.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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Twitter: follow <>

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Diane Ross said:
I don't use Gmail IMAP so you'll have to wait for someone else to help.

gMail access is done through IMAP aso as with any other IMAP account,
you can move your folders anywhere you want in the hierarchy.
The thing with gMail is that it mirrors some of the IMAP structure. the
inbox for instance can be found at the root of the account and in the
[Gmail] folder. Telling Entourage that the root is [Gmail] solves that
issue, but it means that all your personal IMAP folders have to be under
There are also other "special" folders like "All mail" that are just
plain confusing for an IMAP client. You can ask gMail not to display
them through the Labs setting I mentioned.



Thanks - I think I'm getting somewhere now. The only remaining issue is that I don't have an INBOX folder under [Gmail]. Do I need to drag one there before I tell Entourage the root is [Gmail]? Or, does it just always stay up one level?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Thanks - I think I'm getting somewhere now. The only remaining issue is
that I don't have an INBOX folder under [Gmail]. Do I need to drag one
there before I tell Entourage the root is [Gmail]? Or, does it just
always stay up one level?

You don't have one?? Really ????
That's really really weird.
I wouldn't create one since the server has to know it's your inbox and
it wouldn't in this case, It just wouldn't send new e-mails in there.

Did you change anything in the gMail setting page?? Are you sure the
inbox in [Gmail] is not set to be hidden to IMAP??

Really that's unusual!



I don't think I changed anything. My top level folders are:

Folders on My Computer
Anna's Gmail
Microsoft News Service
Mail Views

Under Anna's Gmail I have (not counting folders I've created):
Deleted Items
Sent Items (note this is the one that does not 2-way sync with gmail)
Junk E-mail
[Gmail] (under here there is a folder called Sent Mail that DOES 2-way sync with gmail)

The problem is that INBOX and Sent Items do not completely 2-way sync with gmail. That means when I'm looking at an INBOX item I can't tell if I've replied to it on my Blackberry or not. Until I realized that the other "Sent Folder" had everything I didn't think I was getting any 2-way syncing with sent messages. Now that I know where to look I can find it, but it is not idea since I can't tell without searching that folder if I've replied to an email in the inbox.

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