Mail format problem


Bryan Tang

I'm using Outlook 2000 with Windows98 SE. I also set the MS Word as my mail
editor and now have the following problem:

1) How can I change the format of the incoming email? e.g. If the incoming
mail format is plain text, I want to change the format to RTF when I reply
or forward the mail.

2) If the mail format is plain text, can the font of mail content be change
when I read it?


With Outlook as e-maileditor;
1) press reply and choose Format-> Rich Text

With Word as e-maileditor;
1)there is an option to choose the format next to options in Outlook 2003
but I believe you had to press the little downward arrow on the options
button for Outlook 2000

2) Tools-> Options-> tab Mail Format-> button Fonts-> button Choose Font...
at the option for When composing and reading plain text

Hope this helped :)

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