Sitara Lal
I'm trying to do some research into spam messages that I get and wonder if
someone can clarify what the "Envelope to" entry means. In the example
below, the 'return-path' is fraudulent and the 'Envelope to' (which I have
edited in this post) is real.
However, the 'To' address (pruitt@...) is non existent on my server and
hence this message should have been bounced as undeliverable. Instead, it
came through.
So could someone please explain what 'Envelope to' means?
Return-path: <[email protected]>
Envelope-to: (e-mail address removed) {edited by me}
Received: from polytechnic.borresen.net ([])
by centrifuge.carams.org
(InterMail vK. 479-555-982-20037407 license
with SMTP
id <[email protected]>
for <[email protected]>; Thu, 21 Apr 2005 11:43:33 -0600
Received: from mail pickup service by centrifuge.carams.org with Microsoft
SMTPSVC; Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:39:33 +0300
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 21:44:33 +0400
From: "Rachelle Anthony" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]> {edited}
Subject: Unbiased info for investor intelligence
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
X-DNSACTION-MailScanner: Found to be clean, Found to be clean
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.2 (2004-11-16) on
X-Spam-Level: *
X-Spam-Status: No, score=1.9 required=2.5 tests=BAYES_99 autolearn=no
X-DNSACTION-MailScanner-Information: Please contact the ISP for more
X-MailScanner-From: (e-mail address removed)
someone can clarify what the "Envelope to" entry means. In the example
below, the 'return-path' is fraudulent and the 'Envelope to' (which I have
edited in this post) is real.
However, the 'To' address (pruitt@...) is non existent on my server and
hence this message should have been bounced as undeliverable. Instead, it
came through.
So could someone please explain what 'Envelope to' means?
Return-path: <[email protected]>
Envelope-to: (e-mail address removed) {edited by me}
Received: from polytechnic.borresen.net ([])
by centrifuge.carams.org
(InterMail vK. 479-555-982-20037407 license
with SMTP
id <[email protected]>
for <[email protected]>; Thu, 21 Apr 2005 11:43:33 -0600
Received: from mail pickup service by centrifuge.carams.org with Microsoft
SMTPSVC; Thu, 21 Apr 2005 20:39:33 +0300
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 21:44:33 +0400
From: "Rachelle Anthony" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]> {edited}
Subject: Unbiased info for investor intelligence
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
X-DNSACTION-MailScanner: Found to be clean, Found to be clean
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.2 (2004-11-16) on
X-Spam-Level: *
X-Spam-Status: No, score=1.9 required=2.5 tests=BAYES_99 autolearn=no
X-DNSACTION-MailScanner-Information: Please contact the ISP for more
X-MailScanner-From: (e-mail address removed)