Mail Merge 3 page document with duplex printing



I've got a 3 page document that I need to do a merge on. I print on both
sides of the paper using an auto-duplexing printer. When I try to print the
merged document, I get the first page of the next letter on the back of the
last page of the previous letter. What I had to do was to step through each
previewed merge and print each letter individually. Is there a macro or
something I could use to make it recognize the end of the document?

I thought about using a blank page to make it a 4 page document, but I'm
using a header and footer and don't want that printed on the back of the
letter either.

Any suggestions?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Try replacing the Next Page breaks between letters with Odd Page breaks.
This will insert a blank verso page with no header or footer.

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