I've got a 3 page document that I need to do a merge on. I print on both
sides of the paper using an auto-duplexing printer. When I try to print the
merged document, I get the first page of the next letter on the back of the
last page of the previous letter. What I had to do was to step through each
previewed merge and print each letter individually. Is there a macro or
something I could use to make it recognize the end of the document?
I thought about using a blank page to make it a 4 page document, but I'm
using a header and footer and don't want that printed on the back of the
letter either.
Any suggestions?
sides of the paper using an auto-duplexing printer. When I try to print the
merged document, I get the first page of the next letter on the back of the
last page of the previous letter. What I had to do was to step through each
previewed merge and print each letter individually. Is there a macro or
something I could use to make it recognize the end of the document?
I thought about using a blank page to make it a 4 page document, but I'm
using a header and footer and don't want that printed on the back of the
letter either.
Any suggestions?