Mail Merge Address Block Missing Address 3


Joe Champagne

I'm trying to merge an address file from excel into an MS Word (2003) letter.
I pulled in all of the address info and matched the field names to the excel
file including Address 3. However, Address 3 doesn't show in the address
block. It pulls address 1 and 2, but won't pull in 3. When I add fields and
choose 3 to see if there's an issue with the data it will show the field.

For example this is how the address block shows not including the address 3:

John Smith
c/o Jane Smith (address1)
123 Smith Lane(address 2)
City, State zip

Then I add it separately to make sure its matched properly...
PO Box 123 (address 3 - this data shows up when I add the field separately
outside of the address block, but will not show up within the address block
even though I've selected Address 3 and matched the field).

Any ideas on how to get Address 3 into the address block to display?

Joe Champagne

Thanks Anne, this worked much better! Solved a space padding issue as well!!
I appreciate the quick response.

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