Is your Word doc with ames, titles, addresses etc. already in the format
required for a mail merge data source? e.g. in a table with columns for
name, title, address, or in a comma-delimited format? if so, and
a. you are using Word 97/2000, find the relevant option on the Tools menu
or one of its submenus and use the "Mail merge Helper" and see how far you
b. you are using Word 2002/2003, I suggest you follow the steps in the Mail
merge wizard, and see how far you get
c. you are using Word 2007, follow the steps in the ribbon, and see how far
you get.
It's really not that hard.
If your Word doc has a bunch of names and addresses that are already in a
"label" layout, then see graham Mayor's article at
and you will probably find many of his other articles useful as well.
Peter Jamieson