mail merge block from works 6.0 to word 2000



I removed the MS Works Suite in Word to correct multiple
mail merge items in the tools list - as per instructions
from MS support article 241758. Now I cannot access my
works address book database to create mailing labels. When
I follow the mail merge wizard and "open the data" it does
not list any works files. When I adjust it for "all files"
it shows the file I want, but then I get an error message
saying it cannot access the file. I tried re-installing
Word and I re-installed the Works Suite. No help. What is
my next step?

Peter Jamieson

As far as I know, the problem with the Works Suite is that it has its own
mailmerge wizard, and it is that which causes the "multiple items in the
menu" problem. So removing it also removes the standard Works way of setting
up a merge. And as far as I could see when I last looked at Works, what the
/Works/ merge wizard does is to export whatever data you have chosen to an
intermediate file, then use that as the basis of the merge. So I think you
will probably need to do the same thing manually - export the data from your
works address book (I do not know what options there are, but if you see an
option to export to .rtf or .doc, that's probably yor best bet, followed by
"tab-delimited text".

Peter Jamieson

Why did reinstalling Works Suite not fix the problem?
Would a system restore help? This problem is on my Windows
ME Dell Dimension 8100.

Peter Jamieson

I don't know, but can imagine that if you are installing over an existing
copy of Word some components might not install correctly. But when you start
Works Suite, do you not see a mail merge option?

I'm also curious that your message appears to have my name and e-address
attached - are you using your own name/address to post on the web site?

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