Hi Dave,
Thanks Cindy, I'm experienced with VBA but not using word.
Is this code stored in normal.dot or can it be stored in
the mail merge source document? If it's stored in the
source document how do I make the VB code visible to the
new form letter document.
This depends on which code solution you're referring to?
Generally, if it's one that runs the merge, then performs the
"take it apart and save it" it can be in the the main merge
doc, its template, or in Normal.dot
If you want to run it AFTER the merge, then it should be in
Normal.dot or another global template (addin). The main merge
doc's TEMPLATE would - theoretically - also be a possibility.
But practically the link from the merge result doc to that
template is not 100% complete following the merge and the
template would have to be re-attached to the result document
before the macro would be available. (Either using VBA for
the merge, or manually after the merge.)
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)
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