Mail Merge Data Source


Jim. B

WordProcessor - Word XP

I have created a letter mail merge with a data source
attached. Within this mail merge I currently have several
names entered in the Data Source. Is it possible for me to
create a different data source and still be attached to
the current one, or would I have to create a entirely new
one if so, could you explain to me why I would have to.

Jim. B


Data sources are always created independently of merge
doucments and you do not create them in the same
application. So you may create as many data sources as
you want to use with your existing merge document, but
it's best if you create your merge document and save as a
template for future use. The only reason it would still
be attached to the letter is if you saved your merged
document before closing Word.
Hope this helps,


When I created the letter I did saved it as a template. My
question now is, when I create my data source can I pull
in the same fields that I used before from the previous
data source or do I have to recreate the fields again?

How do you advise


Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Jim.B,

It always helps immensly if you tell us the VERSION of Word
you're having problems with. At the level you're struggling,
we MUST know this in order to be able to tell you exactly
what commands you need.

Why don't you re-use the data source for this new merge? I'm
sure Word asked you to save the data source: what path and
name did you use?
When I created the letter I did saved it as a template. My
question now is, when I create my data source can I pull
in the same fields that I used before from the previous
data source or do I have to recreate the fields again?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


-----Original Message-----
WordProcessor - Word XP

I have created a letter mail merge with a data source
attached. Within this mail merge I currently have several
names entered in the Data Source. Is it possible for me to
create a different data source and still be attached to
the current one, or would I have to create a entirely new
one if so, could you explain to me why I would have to.

Jim. B

Peter Jamieson


looks like you did not see the responses to your original copy of your
question, which were:

Data sources are always created independently of merge
doucments and you do not create them in the same
application. So you may create as many data sources as
you want to use with your existing merge document, but
it's best if you create your merge document and save as a
template for future use. The only reason it would still
be attached to the letter is if you saved your merged
document before closing Word.
Hope this helps,

Hi Jim.B,

It always helps immensly if you tell us the VERSION of Word
you're having problems with. At the level you're struggling,
we MUST know this in order to be able to tell you exactly
what commands you need.

Why don't you re-use the data source for this new merge? I'm
sure Word asked you to save the data source: what path and
name did you use?
When I created the letter I did saved it as a template. My
question now is, when I create my data source can I pull
in the same fields that I used before from the previous
data source or do I have to recreate the fields again?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland

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