Steve Schroeder
I'm getting an error message trying to get this merge
field to work: Word was unable to open the data source.
I've confirmed the data source does work, we're just
talking about access here (verison 2000). Does it matter
if its a user or system level DSN. I've tried both in any
event. Ideas? Thanks much!
{DATABASE \d "i:\\home\\sschro\\working\\working.mdb"
\c "DSN=Working;" \s "Select Docket_No, Status, APPLNNO,
FilingDate, Patent_No, Issue_Date, AnnuityMattersCountry,
NextTaxDate, AnnuityMattersTitle From qryClientMatters
Where Docket_No = '{ MERGEFIELD Docket_No }'" \l "4"
\b "447" \h}
field to work: Word was unable to open the data source.
I've confirmed the data source does work, we're just
talking about access here (verison 2000). Does it matter
if its a user or system level DSN. I've tried both in any
event. Ideas? Thanks much!
{DATABASE \d "i:\\home\\sschro\\working\\working.mdb"
\c "DSN=Working;" \s "Select Docket_No, Status, APPLNNO,
FilingDate, Patent_No, Issue_Date, AnnuityMattersCountry,
NextTaxDate, AnnuityMattersTitle From qryClientMatters
Where Docket_No = '{ MERGEFIELD Docket_No }'" \l "4"
\b "447" \h}