Mail Merge document and Date field



I have a mail merge document that has a date field.. I archive this document
and all is good. The issue I am having is with the date field in the merged

I would like the date field to show the date the document was merged... ie:
Template populated with data date... Currently when opening up a merged
document, I get todays date.. not the created date of the document.

I have tried CREATEDATE... with no luck.. any suggestions?



Graham Mayor

Use a CREATEDATE field and merge to a new document. That new document will
have the date of the merge.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Hi Graham,
I want the saved word document to have the merged date on it...
What changes do I have to make to the template so that previously merged
word documents have the original merge date..

For instance: I have a previously merged document that saved. I know that
this merge document was created Dec1st 2004. When I open this document now..
the date I see is the current date.... I suspect that this has something to
do with template... placing CREATEDATE does not solve the issue in my case.

Please help...


Charles Kenyon

You can't make changes to your template's text (including fields) that will
have any effect on already created documents. That isn't how templates work.
You'll have to edit the individual documents. If your merge document is the
result document from a mailmerge and was saved, if you change the field to a
CreateDate field -- and update the field, it will give you the date that
document was originally saved.

Note, though, if you merely opened your merge document and scrolled to the
correct record or attached a database to it, you have not completed a merge.
However, if you did a SaveAs for that document when you did this, the
CreateDate field will give you the date of that save -- when you update the
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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