Jack Braton
When I 'am using mail merge and want to edit this one
recipients list I get the following error message:
This operartion cannot be completed because of dialog or
data base engine failure please try again later
I don't get this with any of my other mail merge files.
I have tried to delet it and words seems not to want to
delet because of a file called normal that it needs. I can
reinstall this file and all is ok again with word but the
problem is still there with this one particular file.
recipients list I get the following error message:
This operartion cannot be completed because of dialog or
data base engine failure please try again later
I don't get this with any of my other mail merge files.
I have tried to delet it and words seems not to want to
delet because of a file called normal that it needs. I can
reinstall this file and all is ok again with word but the
problem is still there with this one particular file.