I am using OfficeXP and I would like to know how to create a mail merge that
pulls the merge fields from a Excel including...this is the hard part...the
email address that I am sending to. Here's how I have it set up
Cell A1: Name
Cell B1: Login ID
Cell C1: Email Address
1st Row
Cell A2: John
Cell B2: John2007
Cell C2: (e-mail address removed)
In Word, my email message would read "Hello <<John>>, your new login id is
<<John2007>>. If any questions, please let us know."
I need cell C2 to be the email address I am sending to, however. I don't
want to create a list and send everyone on the list eveyrbody's login names.
How can I do that in Word 2003?
pulls the merge fields from a Excel including...this is the hard part...the
email address that I am sending to. Here's how I have it set up
Cell A1: Name
Cell B1: Login ID
Cell C1: Email Address
1st Row
Cell A2: John
Cell B2: John2007
Cell C2: (e-mail address removed)
In Word, my email message would read "Hello <<John>>, your new login id is
<<John2007>>. If any questions, please let us know."
I need cell C2 to be the email address I am sending to, however. I don't
want to create a list and send everyone on the list eveyrbody's login names.
How can I do that in Word 2003?