Mail Merge Excess Labels


M. Hardison

Everytime I merge my data into Word 2002,each label in
turn ends up being the first label on the next page. I
end up with a 105 pages of labels! It's like the each
label takes turns being first on a page with the labels
that follow being next in line.

Windows XP Pro and Word Office XP.

Peter Jamieson

Are you actually performing the merge, or just previewing it and trying to
print each page manually? (Doesn't seem likely!)

If you press Alt-F9 to view the field codes in your mail merge main
document, do you see fields set up for just one label (i.e. table cell)? If
so, you need to use the Update all labels button in Step 4 in the Mail merge
Wizard (or the propagate labels button in the merge toolbar, if enabled) to
copy the entry in cell 1 to all the other labels - this also prepends a {
NEXT } field before every label's fields apart from the first label).

Marty Hardison

I am actually performing the merge directly from Access
XP in Access 2000 format. Using "Office Links"
under "Tools" I select "Merge it with MS Word". Then
using "Create new document" Word opens to the Wizard.
Beyond that I simply follow the Wizard. At the point I
choose which label format to use and press alt F9 I
see "next" in all cells but the first cell. At the point
that I select "Update all labels" I end up with a first
page that is correct. But following that are 104 more
pages of labels. Word is using labels in sequential order
to produce the next page of in sequence labels.
In other words the 3rd label on the first page becomes
the first label on the 3rd page and so on up to 105 pages
if they were printed.

Thanks for the help!

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