mail merge field values



I am trying to merge data from and excell spreadsheet.
The data source has the correct formatting and
information, but when the mail merge occurs the data
presented shows an infinite number after the decimal. I
have gone back and reformatted the spreadsheet, but still
no change.

Peter Jamieson

presented shows an infinite number after the decimal.

I assume you mean "a lot of digits". Please let us know if you meant
something else.

Try either
a. using numeric formatting switches in your WOrd MERGEFIELD codes - e.g.
use ALt-F9 to reveal the codes and change

{ MERGEFIELD myfield }


{ MERGEFIELD myfield \#",$0.00" }

(see Word Help for further info.)

Or change the method used to connect to the data source - check Word
Tools|Options|General|"Confirm conversion at open", go through the data
source selection process again, and choose Excel via DDE when prompted.

Brent Landers

Thank you for your help Peter. I was having the same
problem after converting to MS Office XP. Your
instructions fixed my problem

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