I’ve been using Albert Kallal's excellent MergeSingleWord for almost a year &
it works like a treat. This is used in a school database to send home
individual letters to parents.
I’m now trying to use the MergeAllWord feature e.g. for letter to whole of a
year group & am having problems:
First I get a “Too few parameters. Expected 1†message followed by error
message “2497: The action or method requires a Report Name argumentâ€
As a result a GuiWordTemplate form isn’t loaded
The code I am using in GoMergeAll is:
Function GoMergeAll()
On Error GoTo Err_GoMergeAll
strSQL = " SELECT PupilData.PupilID, PupilData.Surname, PupilData.Forename,
PupilData.Gender, " & _
" PupilData.DateOfBirth, PupilData.YearGroup, PupilData.TutorGroup,
PupilData.Active," & _
" StudentAddresses.[Parental Salutation], StudentAddresses.AddressBlock,
Teachers.TeacherID, " & _
" Teachers!Title & Left(Teachers!Forename,1) & Teachers!Surname AS
TeacherName" & _
" FROM Teachers, PupilData INNER JOIN StudentAddresses ON
PupilData.PupilID = StudentAddresses.PupilID" & _
" WHERE (((PupilData.YearGroup) = [Forms]![SelectReview]![LstYears]) AND
((PupilData.Active) = Yes) AND ((Teachers.TeacherID) = GetCurrentTeacher()))"
& _
" ORDER BY PupilData.Surname, PupilData.Forename;"
Set mydb = CurrentDb
If Nz(strSQL, "") = "" Then Exit Function
Set myset = mydb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
With myset
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
End If
End With
MergeAllWord ("SELECT * FROM " & strSQL), "Templates"
Exit Function
MsgBox err.Description
Resume Exit_GoMergeAll
End Function
The SQL works fine for an individual record
I have 2 Word templates in the Templates folder which the MergeAllWord
routine is referencing
I have tried ‘remmimg out’ the Set mydb section but then no data is created
for the merge
I thought I had got rid of the parameter error by declaring Dim mydb As
Database in this module (though it is already defined as a global variable).
However, reopening the database has caused this error to recur.
I have also tried remming the With...End With section but with no luck
I also can’t solve the 2497 error.
Please can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks for your help in advance
Colin Riddington
it works like a treat. This is used in a school database to send home
individual letters to parents.
I’m now trying to use the MergeAllWord feature e.g. for letter to whole of a
year group & am having problems:
First I get a “Too few parameters. Expected 1†message followed by error
message “2497: The action or method requires a Report Name argumentâ€
As a result a GuiWordTemplate form isn’t loaded
The code I am using in GoMergeAll is:
Function GoMergeAll()
On Error GoTo Err_GoMergeAll
strSQL = " SELECT PupilData.PupilID, PupilData.Surname, PupilData.Forename,
PupilData.Gender, " & _
" PupilData.DateOfBirth, PupilData.YearGroup, PupilData.TutorGroup,
PupilData.Active," & _
" StudentAddresses.[Parental Salutation], StudentAddresses.AddressBlock,
Teachers.TeacherID, " & _
" Teachers!Title & Left(Teachers!Forename,1) & Teachers!Surname AS
TeacherName" & _
" FROM Teachers, PupilData INNER JOIN StudentAddresses ON
PupilData.PupilID = StudentAddresses.PupilID" & _
" WHERE (((PupilData.YearGroup) = [Forms]![SelectReview]![LstYears]) AND
((PupilData.Active) = Yes) AND ((Teachers.TeacherID) = GetCurrentTeacher()))"
& _
" ORDER BY PupilData.Surname, PupilData.Forename;"
Set mydb = CurrentDb
If Nz(strSQL, "") = "" Then Exit Function
Set myset = mydb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
With myset
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
End If
End With
MergeAllWord ("SELECT * FROM " & strSQL), "Templates"
Exit Function
MsgBox err.Description
Resume Exit_GoMergeAll
End Function
The SQL works fine for an individual record
I have 2 Word templates in the Templates folder which the MergeAllWord
routine is referencing
I have tried ‘remmimg out’ the Set mydb section but then no data is created
for the merge
I thought I had got rid of the parameter error by declaring Dim mydb As
Database in this module (though it is already defined as a global variable).
However, reopening the database has caused this error to recur.
I have also tried remming the With...End With section but with no luck
I also can’t solve the 2497 error.
Please can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks for your help in advance
Colin Riddington