Mail Merge from Excel does not display international characters



I have a database of names and addresses stored in an EXCEL file that I use
as a source file for Mail Merging in Word. My Source file contains many
inflected marks for my international correspondance. Many of these
international characters are displayed as questions marks after the mail
merge completes. (This is particiularly true for Eastern European names and

I have been suffering from this problem for years. Recently, our company
upgraded to Office 2003 (from Office 2000). I had hoped this problem would
have been fixed by now.

Are there any suggestions or work arounds? I'm tried of cutting and pasting
to fix the improperly merged names.


Doug Robbins

If you want to email me an Excel spreadsheet with a sample of the records
that give you the problems, I'll take a look at it.

Please respond to the Newsgroup for the benefit of others who may be
interested. Questions sent directly to me will only be answered on a paid
consulting basis.

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - Word MVP


I think you are really working hard to resolve this issue
with mail merge with excel data source.

If you have already tried following steps please ignore

1. open word document.
2. click on Tools then click on General
3. click and check on box which says Confirm Conversion at
4. Do mail merge and when you select your datasource
5. Confirm conversion at open dialog box opens
6. select Ms Excel via DDE
7. check your merged document. IF it is fine then okay
If you see same question mark symbol
8. In confirm conversion at open click on Ms Excel via ODBC

I think above steps will help you to resolve this issue.

IF above steps work around please reply me back.

Have a Nice Day.......

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