mail merge from Excel - need static fields



I've been able to create a Word 2007 merge for mailing labels
using the source data from our school team Excel 2007 file of names.

The resulting labels basically show a <addressblock> placeholder,
and the actual previewed labels print/display fine for use with the 3x10
standard labels.

However - since everyone in our list is "local",
how do we get a "mailing label" image
when we need to add static information such as City, State, & zip
along with the "," coma separation. ?

tnx for any pointers -


tnx - I've saved your webpage info....

BTW - another little nit - how do I get the "cells"
to display their edges/borders ?
All I have is the little squished box, but no table/cell outline ?


ok - found the -> Table Tools -> Layout -> View Gridlines


how is the "padding" in the label actually accomplished ?

I don't see any spaces, tabs, or other indents ?

GREAT - it's under the normal Page Layout -> Paragraph Indent/Spacing

I really hate the 2007 menus,
and have purchased an add-on that gives me back the old menus
so I can get the work done without constantly trying to figure out the new

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