Where is there a good cookbook example of some code that shows a mail merge
letter with the merge data comming from an internet response page.
I have an SQL database coupled with some web applications.
I would like the word document to be able to complete the following tasks
upon opening the document:
1. Display a dialouge box asking user to supply the record key ie: Client Id
or Client Name.
2. A macro queries the SQL database via the web apps. (a web app would be
provided to receive the key, then search and return the data/record to be
3. The macro would continue complete the mail merge.
This is fairly easy to do in excel and I see it is easy to just specify a
URL in the open file dialouge box, the problems comes with merging the
returned data with the document.
letter with the merge data comming from an internet response page.
I have an SQL database coupled with some web applications.
I would like the word document to be able to complete the following tasks
upon opening the document:
1. Display a dialouge box asking user to supply the record key ie: Client Id
or Client Name.
2. A macro queries the SQL database via the web apps. (a web app would be
provided to receive the key, then search and return the data/record to be
3. The macro would continue complete the mail merge.
This is fairly easy to do in excel and I see it is easy to just specify a
URL in the open file dialouge box, the problems comes with merging the
returned data with the document.