You should have earlier seen a popup message telling you that you need to
click Setup on that dialog. Do that, then click OK on the label dialog,
followed by Close to close the mail merge dialog.
Then edit the document to insert fields in the table cell at upper left,
using the Insert Merge Fields button on the Mail Merge toolbar.
When you have the label laid out, choose View | Task Pane to display the
task pane, if it is not already visible. Click the drop-down arrow at the
top of the task pane to display the Mail Merge task wizard. Click through to
Step 4. THIS IS THE KEY STEP! Click the "Update all labels" button. This
will propagate your design for the first label to all the others. You should
now see the field code <<Next Record>> in each cell besides the first. That
means you're ready to complete the merge.
Let me know how it goes.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers