Mail Merge [If...Then...Else...]




Tools > Letters > Mail Merge >Insert Word Field (in merge tool bar) is


This window allows for adding text under specific circumstances.

During an online class for Mail Merge, I was shown a similar window, but
instead of inserting text, you would add Mergefields.

The window had the first row (Field name, Comparison, Compare to) or
something similar on the succeeding rows.

I didn't realize I did not know where it is and I would like to find it.

If this makes sense, can anyone tell me how to open this window? I have no
way of reconnecting with the instructor for the online class.

Graham Mayor

If you are building complex conditional fields, it is better to insert them
manually using CTRL+F9 for each set of field brackets {}. The field dialogs
are too inflexible. See for
some examples of field construction.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


I previously tried that but could not get it to work.
I did notice that the original field brackets {} hand lines around them but
the ones I entered did NOT. Could that make a difference?

I checked the link you provided but an unable to find anything. I'm not very
good at searching the web.


You're right - it would help if you knew what I was trying to achieve.

The data base is in Excel, slightly over 400 entries.

There are separate columns for HOME addresses and WORK addresses.

Most of the entries have home addresses only, approximately 325.

The rest are WORK addresses only or both HOME and WORK addresses provided.

What I am trying to do is create a Mail Merge document that will print the
home addresses. If the home address column is blank it will automatically go
to the work address columns.

I have created a great many additional columns (17 columns) into which I
entered a great many formulas so that I can use just one merge document for
the entire data base. (Haven't tested it yet.)

I am hoping to find a simple way to use IF...THEN...ELSE... in Word (MERGE)
to handle the problem.

I'm comfortable with Excel but the next person to take over the task may not
be and the extra columns will definitely confuse them.

Is it possible to use IF...THEN... ELSE... in Word (Merge) to solve my

Graham Mayor

The basic setup is

{IF {Mergefield Home} <> "" "{Mergefield Home}" "{Mergefield Word}"}

however this assumes that the whole address is in one field. If you have
separate streets for streets, towns etc, test one of the home fields that
should always be present (such as the town) and put all the fields that
represent the addresses formatted as you require them between the quotes.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Now the only question is where and how do I enter it. I tried under Insert
Merge Field, but the "IF" field does not allow you to enter a formula. I
entered data as was suggested by someone in my office and then did ALT-F9 to
view and edit.

The brackets {} in the first part of the formula have a faint box around
them but the ones I entered did not.

This is my actual problem. I'm pretty good with formulas in Excel so
eventually I would have figured it out (I hope), but knowing where and how to
enter the formula is my current problem.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Graham Mayor

If you step back to my second post in this thread, all is explained. Enter
the fields directly into the document from the keyboard using CTRL+F9 for
each pair of brackets {} (four pairs in the example I posted).

Forget the dialogs (though you can use the insert > merge field dialog to
confirm the spelling of any fields used) insert the lot manually at the
location where you want it to appear.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Graham Mayor

Make that my *first* post in this thread ;)

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Perfect. It works.
My major problem was I misread Ctrl+F9 for Alt+F9
People tend to read what they expect and not necessarily with is.

Thank you VERY much for your help and patience.


Hello. I had a question similar to the original poster and have followed this
thread to the end. It seems like I know what I'm doing but there must be
something wrong with my syntax as I'm not getting all the results I'd expect.
My field is constructed like this:
{ IF {MERGEFIELD Spouse }<> "" "{ MERGEFIELD Spouse }" "" }

The idea is to print the Spouse field if there's data present, and print
nothing if data isn't present.

If there's nothing in the Spouse field, this works perfectly. The problem is
that if there is data, rather than printing the field data, the field result
is {MERGEFIELD Spouse}, i.e. what's literally between the quotation marks.

My syntax looks right to my eye, but I'm clearly missing something. Any help
you could lend would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Peter Jamieson

You have to use ctrl-F9 to enter /every/ pair of the special field code
braces. In this case, that's 3 pairs of the braces.

Peter Jamieson


I appreciate the reply, but apparently don't quite understand. In the example
I posted there are 3 pairs of braces. When I compare my syntax to Graham's
there doesn't appear to be a difference except that his False conditions
prints another field whereas mine simply prints nothing.

Again, what am I missing here?


Maybe the same thing I missed.

Do not type { } directly from the keyboard.
Use Ctrl+F9 to create the proper braces


I'm doing that to start with. Are you saying that each time I need a pair of
braces I need to hit Ctrl+F9 again?

P.S. Thanks for chipping in. Appreciate it.


Never mind. I didn't read Peter's post as closely as I should have. Guess it
just seems a bit counter-intuitive. Thanks again.

Graham Mayor

Exactly! These are fields not brackets. CTRL+F9 inserts a field marker.
Incidentally you don't need the second set of quotes in this example
{ IF {MERGEFIELD Spouse }<> "" "{ MERGEFIELD Spouse }"}
would work

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Thank you very, very much! Also, linked to your document in your first reply
and have already happily learned about the F9 key. I was just closing and
re-opening the document.

Hope life on Cyprus is grand!

Graham Mayor

danhattan said:
Hope life on Cyprus is grand!

It has its moments - but water shortages are going to be a problem this
summer :(

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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