Your other messages suggest that you may have solved this problem,
but if not...
1. I don't think a Word { IF } field will help here, because it
doesn't let you terminate a merge (i.e. you can't do something like
IF condition THEN
exit function
continue merging
If your Excel macro is starting Word, then performing a
MailMerge.Execute, it's already "too late" - the start and end
records have been selected and the merge will merge those records,
/unless/ you are also using Merge Events in Word, in which case you
can cancel the merge from within.
However, since your merge is running from Excel, I would suggest
that it would be simpler to run some Excel code to find the first
blank cell in the column that you want to test, (say it is in row N
of the sheet) then set the merge so that it merges rows 2 to N-1
Peter Jamieson
Have used if then else in excel. Not familar good with word. Want
to have word stop printing when it finds a blank cell. This is in
a mail merge macro.
Is there code to do this? I have written procedures in excel. No
expert self
tought. Having a good time. Those of you that man this group are
The three listed commands that control fields quickly become
second nature
when working with merge documents.
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP
My web site
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Mark Parent wrote:
Thanks much.... At the risk of sounding like Chandler Bing, all
that Alt-F9, Ctrl-F9, F9 couldn't BE more complicating, but I'm
away to the races now. Cheers !
Yes. It's generally easier to insert this kind of "nested field"
using the keyboard rather than the drop down lists and so on -
you need a. to enable the Mail Merge toolbar (View|Toolbars in
WOrd 2002,2003, it automatically appears for mailmerge
documents in earlier versions) Use the <<>> button to switch
between "field view" where you see <<fieldname>> and "data
preview" where you see some result data b. Alt-F9 to toggle
between "field code view" where you see { MERGEFIELD fieldname
} and "field view"/preview. You may find that fields disappear
as you insert them and you need to use Alt-F9 to get them
back. c. select one or more fields and press F9 to update
their values d. ctrl-F9 to insert /each/ pair of the special
"field code braces"
The field you need is
{ IF "{ MERGEFIELD field1 }" = "" "{ MERGEFIELD field2 }" "{
MERGEFIELD field3 }" }
If you don't like all the quotes in this case you can probably
get away with
{ IF { MERGEFIELD field1 } = "" { MERGEFIELD field2 } {
MERGEFIELD field3 } }
but I advise you to stick with what I suggested.
If the field name "field1" actually has spaces in it, e.g. is
"field 1", then you need even more quotes to surround the name,
{ IF "{ MERGEFIELD "field 1" }" = "" "{ MERGEFIELD field2 }" "{
MERGEFIELD field3 }" }
Peter Jamieson
I understand that I can use this function to check a field in
my merge data,
and insert one or another text string into my Word document.
What I'd like
to do is use a field in my merge data to direct which of two
merge fields to
print. Is there a way to implement something like:
If [FIELD1] is Empty then [FIELD2] else [FIELD3] ?