Mail Merge in Different Word versions


Robert Moore

I have created a mail merge template in Word 2003. When my office
manager opens the file in Word 2000 there is no ability to open the mail
merge menu. Obviously, there is a compatibility issue with regard to
mail merge between these two versions. Is there a work around short of
putting Word 2003 on my office managers computer?

Robert Moore

Graham said:
Word 2000 uses the mail merge helper (which is still available in Word
2003 - see ) He
should be able to manipulate the merge from the helper.

Mail merge was simpler in Word 2000 :)
I can bring up the merger helper in Word 2000 but even with "confirm
conversation at open" checked it won't let me select OLE DB as my merge
method. My data source has multiple worksheets so I need word to let me
select which named range I want to use for my data. What Word 2000 does
now is only give me a choice of the named range on the first worksheet.

Peter Jamieson

With Word 2000 and earlier you cannot use OLE DB, and as you have
discovered, DDE only works with the first worksheet in the workbook.

If you see the ODBC option, use that, but
a. in the ODBC dialog box you need to be sure that the correct workbook is
selected - that is sometimes difficullt because the space available for the
pathname is small and you cannot scroll sideways.
b. you will probably need to click the Options button and check all the
boxes before you can see any sheets and named ranges.

If you do not see the ODBC option you may need to go through WOrd SETUP
again to ensure that the ODBC drivers etc. are installed.

Peter Jamieson

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