Mail Merge Macro


Know your Word...

I'm trying to simplify the mail merge process to create bulk envelopes. I
figure this will save the other guys from having to complete the six step
merge process. I wanted to have setup the macro to run, as step one, and
just exclude the addresses not wanted as step two... process finished.
However, after I've created the macro and then try running it all the data is
jumbled up in the left corner of the screen and the page orientation is
always portrait even after I specified the envelope size. Everything looks
ok while recording the macro but when you run it you get a different look and
feel. I'm thinking maybe the macro is not recording relative to screen
position, orientation or paper size.

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Peter Jamieson

Unfortunately, Macro recording has a number of problems - e.g., the recorder
does not necessarily record all of your actions. It's usually also important
to run the macro from the same starting point that you used when you
recorded the macro (e.g. if you started from a blank document, you need
either to run the macro starting from a blank document or modify the macro
in some way).

You could try copying/pasting your existing macro code into a message and
posting it here and see if anyone can spot what needs to be changed.

Peter Jamieson

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