There's no way to do it that avoids programming of some kind.
In essence, each chunk of HTML either has to be in a disk file (so you can
insert it using INCLUDETEXT or using VBA Insertfile) or possibly in the
clipboard so you can insert it using Paste with the relevant data type.
If you are merging to the printer, to individual letters or to e-mail, I
would start with an approach that performs a separate merge for each record
in the data source. That won't work for a "Directory"/"Catalog" type of
merge. I don't have code for this specific scenario and can't guarantee
that it will work, but if you search for "Jamieson
bTerminateMerge" you should find VBA code that does "one merge per record"
type merges. What you then need to do is either
a. add code to save the content of your HTML format field as a .htm file
(let's call it c:\temphtm\fieldx.htm) and include it using
{ INCLUDETEXT "c:\\temphtm\\fieldx.htm" \c HTML }
b. (if you want to avoid saving to a disk file) insert the HTML into your
document, select it, copy it to the clipboard, locate the place(s) you want
to insert it, paste special, selecting the appropriate format
I'm away for a few days but if you are still stuck I should be able to be
more specific.
Peter Jamieson
I'm trying to insert fields which have HTML in them from an external
database - and the result is that the Mail merge fields displays the
raw HTML and white space.
Is there any way to display/treat the mergefield data as HTML? (The
HTML is very simple; just paragraphs, line breaks and strong's.)
Thanks in advance,
Søren Madsen