Mail merge problems

  • Thread starter Can only mail merge one field at a time.
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Can only mail merge one field at a time.

While trying to mail merge excel 2003 with word 2003 to do mailing list I can
only get one field to insert at the address block. I can get the field to
change but can only get one to post at a time. I need 6 fields to do mailing.
Help!!!! I have never had this problem with other office software.


If you're using the Address Block link in Step #4, the problem is most
likely that your Excel field names don't match **exactly** what the Address
Block option insists they be. IMHO you're better off to *not* use the
Address Block feature at all. Instead use the More Items link in Step #4 of
the merge process and insert each field yourself. Type your own literals,
spacing, etc. It's a Royal PITA to have to keep closing/opening the dialog
to insert the fields, but will prove more reliable in the long run.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

"Can only mail merge one field at a time." <Can only mail merge one field at
a (e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
news:D[email protected]...

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