Mail merge question



I've been reading about mail merge, setting up postcards, etc.

I remember doing this when I did the tutorials in Publisher 2000, but still not sure about it (I've never had to actually use it, but have a few ideas about using it for postcards for people I have made flyers for)

What is the best program to make the mailing list in? I now have 2007 and have Word (I know enough about to use for what I've needed so far) and Excel (I've done tutorials in, but never actually used) . I want to start mailing lists for people with small businesses I've helped but want to do it the best way. Which would work best with Publisher, like mailing ad-postcards?

Don't know if this is a dumb question, maybe if I looked in search, or tried doing it, I'd find the answer myself. But, I get easily confused. Someone who knows all the ways to do it, will know the best way.

btw.... I LOVE this newsgroup, but sometimes avoid coming here because once I'm here, reading and taking notes, etc. I never get anything else done for days (LOL)



Use Excel. I find it the best to manipulate lists in using the sort commands
.. Judst user the Wizard and pick your data source (the Excel file). You then
just drag and drop the fields you want where you want them (mail lable info
etc.) and then hit "complete the merge". Very simple.


David said:
Use Excel. I find it the best to manipulate lists in using the sort
. Judst user the Wizard and pick your data source (the Excel file). You
just drag and drop the fields you want where you want them (mail lable
etc.) and then hit "complete the merge". Very simple.


It sounds simple the way you tell it.

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