Mail Merge Recipients List


Greg Parr


Can anyone tell me whether there is any way of making the
Recipients list in Word 2002 shared across multiple
documents, i.e. Recipients can be selected in one mail
merge document and will still be selected when the
recipient list in another document?

Not sure if that makes sense??

Peter Jamieson

Well, not in any really simple way. /A/ way to do something similar -
possibly the simplest way - would be
a. to set up your recipient data in a table in a Word document (rather than
as an "Office Address List" as you probably use at the moment)
b. call the first column "S" (or "Selected")
c. use "Y" to mean Selected and "N" or just blank to mean "Not selected"
d. use the drop-down at the top of the "S" column in the Edit recipients
box to select only those records with "Y" prior to merging, and to reselect
all the records before you change the selection.

This obviously isn't quite a simple as checking/unchecking the required
records, but those selections really are just stored in the document.But if
you really only need to do
a. edit the data source and make some selections then
b. open doc1,doc2,doc3 etc. and merge them with the same selections

It's enough, and you never actually need to change the selection criteria
within each mail merge main .doc if you don't edit the data source from
within that .doc. A drawback is that a data source in Word .doc format
probably can't be used in simultaneous merges e.g. by multiple users.

However, once you're committed to that approach, you could use any format of
data source (mdb, Excel) etc.

In theory you could do the same using an Office Address List .mdb but in
Word 2002 there tend to be problems re-opening a mail merge main document
once you have made selections with such a source. If you use other types of
data source such as .xls files you may find that the Edit button is not
available from within Word.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Greg,
Can anyone tell me whether there is any way of making the
Recipients list in Word 2002 shared across multiple
documents, i.e. Recipients can be selected in one mail
merge document and will still be selected when the
recipient list in another document?
Besides Peter's suggested approach, the only other one I can
think of would involve some pretty hefty VBA that would
would loop through all the records in the one document,
write down somewhere which records are "included" and which
are not. Then run VBA code that would pull this information
out and "restore" it (maybe on opening the document, maybe
with a toolbar button).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

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