Mail Merge SP3 - Suppressing Blank Lines



I have a mail merge set-up which under SP2 suppressed blank lines however per
reading a previous thread I am having the following issues:

"There is at least one significant change in this area anyway: when you nest
MERGEFIELD fields within another field such as IF or INCLUDETEXT, blank
lines are never suppressed, whereas they used to be in Word 2000."

How do I suppress blank lines when I have mergefields within another field
such as IF.

Thanks for the help

Peter Jamieson

As a general rule, you have to apply the approach that is described - as far
as I can remember - in that thread.

In other words, you have to use

{ IF "{ MERGEFIELD xyz }" = "" "" "
{ MERGEFIELD xyz }" }

every time you need to insert the mergefield xyz, and if you have more
complex lines that include more than one merge filed that is potentially
blank, you have to deal with that in a similar way.

I suppose the only alternative might be to try to deal with the issue by
constructing the fields that you need in the data source, but I haven't
really thought through whether or not that might help you in this situation.

Peter Jamieson

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