Mail merge spacing is inconsistent btw merged field and text?



When I mail merge name field from an Excel database into my Word document,
the spacing between the merged field and a manually entered date text (on the
same line) changes with each merge. How do I keep the spacing consistent so
the date text is not affected by the merge? Sometimes the date even gets
word-wrapped to the next line down. Any help will be appreciated.

Anne Troy

Perhaps you should be placing the merge fields within table cells. If you're
separating by spaces or tabs, you'll get inconsistent results. If the date
gets pushed to the next line, I'd be putting it on its own line.
Anne Troy


Thanks, Anne. I will try the table cell solution and see if this does it. And
yes, I am separating the merge field from the date text with tabs. Normally I
would indeed put the date above the name and address title block, but this is
a one-page letter that I am trying to keep to one page, so putting the date
flush right across from the merged name field helps me do this because it
saves me a few lines. Maybe there's something else I am not aware of when it
comes to consistent spacing in this scenario?

Anne Troy

Lucy, you could also do this:
Drag the tab for the date off the ruler, and put a right-aligned one up, so
that your date, regardless of the width of your name it'll right-align the
date across from it.
However, if you're already pushing the date to the next line, I'm concerned.
Just check your tab spacing though. I suspect all the data should easily fit
on one line, and it may just be tabs/tab spacing that's throwing it off.
Only put one tab character between the name and date, and right-align the
Anne Troy


Your right-align tab did the trick!! Actually, I did not have any tabs at
all set up in my first line, so that alone was a good learning experience.
Thanks for your help.

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