I'm in need of some expert help, i'm trying to switch a dollar amount into words, with dollars and cents. Below is what i have and it's returning to blank, not sure what i'm missing on this, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
(Quote{Set Val {MERGEFIELD PCORevTotalCons}"=INT(Val)\* CardText} dollar{ =Int(Val)-1 \# "s;s;"}{ IF{=MOD(Val,1) \#0.00}>0 " and { ={ =MOD(Val,1)*100 \ # 0 } \* CardText } cent{ = INT(MOD(Val,1)*100-1) \# "s;s;" }" " and zero cents"}" \* First Cap}
(Quote{Set Val {MERGEFIELD PCORevTotalCons}"=INT(Val)\* CardText} dollar{ =Int(Val)-1 \# "s;s;"}{ IF{=MOD(Val,1) \#0.00}>0 " and { ={ =MOD(Val,1)*100 \ # 0 } \* CardText } cent{ = INT(MOD(Val,1)*100-1) \# "s;s;" }" " and zero cents"}" \* First Cap}