Hi Jeremy,
Thanks, but my data source is a table. I split the memo
field into two text fields, but what happens is when the
field is split at a point where there is a space, Word
(not Access) truncates that space. The result is "mustbe"
instead of "must be". Thanks.
I've been hoping a light-bulb would go off, somewhere, but so
far not much luck <sigh>
Only two other possible ways around this occur to me:
1) Try a different connection method
2) Try exporting to a file in RTF format (comma-delimited, or
For the former, activate the "Select method" checkbox in the
Word Open Datasource dialog box. If you're not doing this
already, it means DDE is the current connection method. In
that case, try ODBC instead.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)
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