Mail Merge using INCLUDETEXT



Following on from a previous post in Word Formatting (thanks to macropod for
the help), I am using a program which essentially works using the same
principles as a mail merge (enter a database, select a record, call a MS
Word template, populate keywords).

I have a source document with calculations which would be used in many
templates, and will need to be updated and maintained, so that when it is
called, any updates completed in the source document are reflected in the
target document. I believe the best way to achieve this is to use an
INCLUDETEXT, and link to a bookmark in the source document (I need to avoid
<CR> returns). However no matter what I've attempted, while I can insert
the full document or bookmarked section using Insert, File, if I insert
these as Insert, File, Insert as Link, it does insert the required section,
but does not update the calculations (the important bit).

Is this possible using Mail Merge? I've tried MS Word Help & Google without
much success, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Jack 30

I tried the Grahams link prior to the posting but got lost at about the MAPI
when he said something about "I haven't tried it personally but go a folder
up at a time" then when I got to the Data folder change to merge I was
really stumped.
My 2007 and is newer, of course, and I really am fairly good at running
programs but the MAPI and items of are really kind of too much for me. I
would do better with a step by step explanation then a "philisopical or
theory explanation"
I have had friends say to me they don't know how to use the computer,
usually these friends are in an older age group, because I don't understand
how they work"
Well I don't either and don't want to learn. I just want to push the button
and have what microsoft sold be, for a steep price I might add, work as they
Sure I can jiggle around and do small repairs and maintenance. I am also
good and working short cuts if I want to do something but don't want to add
another program.
Basically, this problem should not exist and I for one am disappointed that
there are 6 mail merge buttons one in outlook, word, publsher ect along with
auto mail merge jsut follow the wizard and it doesn't work! There is no
excuse and microsoft should be ashamed. I will try Grahams explanation again.


Erm, thanks to Jack 30 for that, but alas, he's replied to the wrong post.
Still need help with this!


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

If you copy something and use Paste>Special and check the Link box, it
should then be updated either,

1. When you re-open the document if you have the setting for Update
automatic links on open checked

2. When you use Ctrl+A then press F9

3. When you use Print>Preview (if you have the Update Fields option set
in the Print section of the Tools>Options dialog)

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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