Mail Merge w/ Access XP



I recently created a new Access Database and tried to
merge the data into a Word Document. When I click on
Edit Recipient List, it opens the list, but the Edit...
button is disabled. When I use my old Access Database,
it is active. Is there something in the database that is
causing this?

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Lynn,

Exactly HOW did you create this new Access database?
I recently created a new Access Database and tried to
merge the data into a Word Document. When I click on
Edit Recipient List, it opens the list, but the Edit...
button is disabled. When I use my old Access Database,
it is active.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jan 24 2003)

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Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Lynn,
I created the database in Access 2002 using a blank
database and created the tables and queries that I
needed. When I tried to use the mail merge function in
Word 2002, it allowed me to use the database, but the
edit recipeint list shows the Edit.. button disabled.
OK, it's well-known that Word won't do this. The Edit
button will only work for databases that Word creates
When I used my old Access 2000 database in the same mail
merge, the Edit... button is enabled.
*THIS* surprises me. The button is enabled, yes, but it
won't open the Word Form for databases. It offers me either
MS-Query or opens the table in the Access window. (ODBC or
DDE, respectively)

Are you sure you used the same connection method in both
cases? (If you don't know how to specify the connection
method in Word 2002, check out the information in that
section of my website's mail merge FAQ)

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jan 24 2003)

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follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail


Thank you for your help. It was the connectivity. I got
the directions from your web-site. I'll be sure to
reference your site in the future.
Thanks, Lynn

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