Mail Merge w/ Outlook 2003



We are operating on a Windows Small Business Server 2003, using Outlook 2003
and Office 2003. When we do a mail merge usually contains 400 or so contacts
we start the merge from outlook which finishes in word. In the past it sent
them all without having to select the Contact List Folder for each message
(you only selected it once in step 3 of the merge). So my question is why now
do I have to select the Contact List Folder for each message (ie 400 messages
400 times I have to select the database)? We have just encountered this
problem, which it has never occurred before. I have done an office update,
detect and repair and tried turning off my Symantec virus protection just
while sending them. Can any one please help, I have read the help menu and
in communities and can not find any information about this problem.

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

List the precise steps you are using. When done properly, starting the merge
from Outlook should never prompt for which Folder to use because you have
defined your recipients in your first step. If not, do so.

ABUK via

That is just it I defined the recipients from our outlook contacts and it
does ask each and every time. Below is the instruction I follow for a mail

1. Open a new email message
2. Select mail merge from the tools menu
3. Select Email Message
4. Select Use the Current Document
5. Select Recipients – Select From Outlook Contact – Choose Contact Folder –
Edit Recipient List (if necessary)
6. Next -Write Your Email
7. Preview Your Email
8. Mail Merge Tool Kit
9. Select Email _Address in the to field – Type in your subject line – add
attachments if necessary – Under send records Select All – Click OK
10. Then a window pops up Mail Processing for Sending (shows total records,
must to be sent, processed and skipped)

After step 10 which should be the final step a window pops up that reads
Select Contact List Folder and this is where it is asking me to select the
database. That is what I don’t understand it never did that in the past and
that was done in step #5 above. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

List the precise steps you are using. When done properly, starting the merge
from Outlook should never prompt for which Folder to use because you have
defined your recipients in your first step. If not, do so.
We are operating on a Windows Small Business Server 2003, using Outlook
[quoted text clipped - 14 lines]
in communities and can not find any information about this problem.

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

No. That's not what I said to do.
You open your Contacts Folder and select the recipients. Then Tools > Mail
Then do the merge to the selected Contacts.
Russ Valentine
ABUK via said:
That is just it I defined the recipients from our outlook contacts and it
does ask each and every time. Below is the instruction I follow for a

1. Open a new email message
2. Select mail merge from the tools menu
3. Select Email Message
4. Select Use the Current Document
5. Select Recipients - Select From Outlook Contact - Choose Contact
Folder -
Edit Recipient List (if necessary)
6. Next -Write Your Email
7. Preview Your Email
8. Mail Merge Tool Kit
9. Select Email _Address in the to field - Type in your subject line - add
attachments if necessary - Under send records Select All - Click OK
10. Then a window pops up Mail Processing for Sending (shows total
must to be sent, processed and skipped)

After step 10 which should be the final step a window pops up that reads
Select Contact List Folder and this is where it is asking me to select the
database. That is what I don't understand it never did that in the past
that was done in step #5 above. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

List the precise steps you are using. When done properly, starting the
from Outlook should never prompt for which Folder to use because you have
defined your recipients in your first step. If not, do so.
We are operating on a Windows Small Business Server 2003, using Outlook
[quoted text clipped - 14 lines]
in communities and can not find any information about this problem.

ABUK via


Thanks for your reply. I guess my question is why when we start a merge from
a saved email template or a new email do we get these errors? Also is there
a way to correct this problem? You are correct if we start the merge from the
contact database in Outlook we do not get this problem. Thanks foy your help.

No. That's not what I said to do.
You open your Contacts Folder and select the recipients. Then Tools > Mail
Then do the merge to the selected Contacts.
That is just it I defined the recipients from our outlook contacts and it
does ask each and every time. Below is the instruction I follow for a
[quoted text clipped - 32 lines]

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

I don't know. I've never seen anyone try to start a mail merge from
Outlook's New Message Window. I wasn't even aware that you could. I sure
can't in Outlook 2007 and it may be a while before I see Outlook 2003 again
to test this.

Normally when one starts a mail merge from Outlook they do so from the
Contacts Folder. That is where the Tools > Mail Merge option is active. The
primary reason to start a merge from Outlook is so you can define a more
select recipient group than Word will let you when you do the merge from
Word and to ensure that you have access to Outlook's fields to construct the

If indeed you can start a merge from Outlook's New Message window (with Word
as your editor), then you are essentially starting the merge from Word and
Outlook at the same time. No wonder these two poor babies get confused.
Integration between Office apps looks great in the promotional material. It
doesn't look so good in real life.
Russ Valentine
ABUK via said:

Thanks for your reply. I guess my question is why when we start a merge
a saved email template or a new email do we get these errors? Also is
a way to correct this problem? You are correct if we start the merge from
contact database in Outlook we do not get this problem. Thanks foy your

No. That's not what I said to do.
You open your Contacts Folder and select the recipients. Then Tools > Mail
Then do the merge to the selected Contacts.
That is just it I defined the recipients from our outlook contacts and
does ask each and every time. Below is the instruction I follow for a
[quoted text clipped - 32 lines]
in communities and can not find any information about this problem.

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