mail merge with 2 different last names to the same address

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mail merge 2 different last names

I am trying to mail merge a document to several women who use their maiden
name and their husbands.

How can I make my mail merge letter look like:

Mr. James Smith and Ms. Janet Doe
123 Main Street
Anytown, VA 12345

Dear Jim and Jan,

Graham Mayor

What fields do you have in your data source that would identify the

Normally you would have something along the lines of spouse surname and
forename fields. You can then use conditional fields to place the correct
data eg

{IF {Mergefield LastName} <> {Mergefield Spouse_Lastname} "{Mergefield
Title} {Mergefield FirstName} and {Mergefield Spouse_Title} {Mergefield
Spouse_FirstName} {Mergefield Spouse_LastName}" "{Mergefield Title} and
{Mergefield SpouseTitle} {Mergefield FirstName} {Mergefield LastName}"}

If some of the recipients are single and have no partners then the second
part of the condition requires a further condition eg

{IF {Mergefield LastName} <> {Mergefield Spouse_Lastname} "{Mergefield
Title} {Mergefield FirstName} and {Mergefield Spouse_Title} {Mergefield
Spouse_FirstName} {Mergefield Spouse_LastName}" "{IF {Mergefield
Spouse_LastName} <> "" "{Mergefield Title} and {Mergefield SpouseTitle}
{Mergefield FirstName} {Mergefield LastName}" "{Mergefield Title}
{Mergefield FirstName} {Mergefield LastName}" }

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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