Mail merge with excel



I am trying to merge an excel document that was exported from another
application. I have setup all of the fields but am having the following
problem when merging. My Excel spreadsheet has approximately 6 columns
(school, employee name, absence reason, initial balance, days taken, current
balance) and one employee name may be listed 5 times in a row because they
have 5 different absence reasons. Because they are listed on the spreadsheet
more than once, I receive 5 different sheets for one person. In the Word
document I have created a table which shows the absence reason, initial
balance, etc. and the employee name and school is listed above outside the
table. How do I get only the absence code information for one specific
employee to merge on one sheet?


Are you doing a Catalog/Directory Merge? If so, I would create another
Absentee Mail Merge letter for multiple instances for the same person. It's
the simplest I can think of.

1. Copy the text from the other letter that doesn't involve the Merged
2. Create a table 6 columns X 10 rows. Or how many rows you need. After
creating the table, select all the cells.
Right click the highlighted table> Properties> On the Row tab> Uncheck allow
break of rows over pages.
3. Select the Data Source that you use.
4. Duplicate the Header names from the 1st document, in the first document.
5. In the second row add the Mergefields from your data base. One Mergefield
to each CELL.
{Mergefield "School"}
{Mergefield "EmpNme"}
{Mergefiled "Absreason"}
{Mergefield "IntBal"}
{Mergefield "DysTkn"}
{Mergefield "CurrBal"}
6. Starting with the third (3rd) row, add the {Next} field in front of the
"School" merge field, and Copy/Paste the Mergefields entries down the
appropriate column, but do not include the "EmpNme" mergefield for row three
(3) and beyond.

Row(1): Headers

{Mergefield "School"} {Mergefield "EmpNme"} {Mergefiled "Absreason"}
{Mergefield "IntBal"} {Mergefield "DysTkn"} {Mergefield "CurrBal"}

Row(3) and beyond:
{Next}{Mergefield "School"} ("EmpNme" Blank) {Mergefield "Absreason"}
{Mergefield "IntBal"} {Mergefield "DysTkn"} {Mergefield "CurrBal"}

When you do the Merge with the new document, clear all the records in the
Data Source list, except for that single employee. The run the merge to New
Document. When doing the Merge for the other employees, use the old
document, clear the employee records that concern the same employee, with
multiple or different absences.

Save the New Document to your Template folder, giving it an appropriate

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I am trying to merge an excel document that was exported from another
application. I have setup all of the fields but am having the following
problem when merging. My Excel spreadsheet has approximately 6 columns
(school, employee name, absence reason, initial balance, days taken, current
balance) and one employee name may be listed 5 times in a row because they
have 5 different absence reasons. Because they are listed on the
more than once, I receive 5 different sheets for one person. In the Word
document I have created a table which shows the absence reason, initial
balance, etc. and the employee name and school is listed above outside the
table. How do I get only the absence code information for one specific
employee to merge on one sheet?


I read "MC's" problem, was that a merge mail letter they use, would be
produced, to report a single absence that were taken during a time period,
such as monthly, to be sent to an individual .


"and one employee name may be listed 5 times in a row because they
have 5 different absence reasons. Because they are listed on the
more than once, I receive 5 different sheets for one person."

And that they did not want to produce a seperate document for each instance
of absence, for the same person, during that time period.

I see that your tutorial, would do the job, if the School district was
sending a Summary sheet for each School's absences, or for the entire
District absences based on each individual school.

I do see an error in my table though, it should read:
Row(1): Headers

Column1: {Mergefield "EmpName"}
Column2: {Mergefield "School"}
Column3: {Mergefiled "Absreason"}
Column4: {Mergefield "IntBal"}
Column5: {Mergefield "DysTkn"}
Column6: {Mergefield "CurrBal"}

Starting in Row(3)
Column1 should only have the {Next} field in it. And the other columns
should have the appropriate Mergefields filled in.
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And you think that's easier than using the method described in my tutorial?

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